The Good Fight is an American legal and political drama web television series produced for CBS's streaming service CBS All Access. The first season of The Good Fight contains 10 episodes and premiered on February 19, 2017, with the first episode airing on CBS and the following nine episodes on CBS All Access. The series was initially planned to air in May 2017, but was moved up after production delays forced CBS to postpone the premiere of the new series Star Trek: Discovery. On March 15, 2017, CBS All Access renewed the show for a second season with an increased run of 13 episodes, premiering on March 4, 2018.
What to expect in The Good Fight season 2?
In season two of THE GOOD FIGHT, the world is going insane, and the Chicago murder rate is on the rise. Amidst the insanity, Diane, Lucca, Maia and the rest of the law firm find themselves under psychological assault when a client at another firm kills his lawyer for overcharging. After a copycat murder, the firm begins to look at its own clients suspiciously. Meanwhile, Diane battles with a new partner at the firm, Liz Reddick-Lawrence (Audra McDonald); Maia becomes tougher after her parents' scandal puts her on trial; and Lucca is brought back into Colin's orbit.
How to unblock The Good Fight season 2 on CBS All Access?
Due to copyright issues, CBS All Access blocks all the visitors with non-USA IP address. So if you are outside the United States and wish to watch The Good Fight season 2 on CBS All Access, it is strongly recommended to use a
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