Monday, June 12, 2017

How to unlock Cinemax from anywhere?

Cinemax, an American pay-TV channel, is also a paid online site where you can watch the latest movies, the latest series and other documents. In fact it is a part of HBO group (Home Box Office). It is a large group in the United States. Additionally, the Cinemax service is also available on different platforms, such as iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. But unfortunately the service of Cinemax is only available in the United States. It is forbidden to watch programs outside the United States, of course including in France. So how to watch Cinemax from any country? According to to unlock Cinemax in France it is necessary to change local IP with an American VPN. Because the blocking is done based on the actual IP address. So in my opinion the local IP change is the best way.

How to unlock Cinemax from any country with IP change?

To watch Cinemax in France it is necessary to change local IP. To change local IP I advise to connect with an American VPN. As we know that with the US VPN connection you can still do other things like watch Netflix, watch ABC, watch Disney Channel, unlock US games etc. But how to connect with an American VPN?

First you need to download an American VPN client.

Then you have to have an American VPN account. As I know FlyVPN offers a free US VPN. So we can try to unlock Cinemax in France with the free US VPN. But there are restrictions, so you have to be careful.

Also on different devices the way to connect with the US VPN is not the same. So you need to visit the VPN tutorial to know more. There are medium details on the page of the different devices.

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